The wonderful Hadar Aviram ( pointed me towards a simple solution to a complex puzzle - is there a middle ground between writing for the drawer and writing to publish? As a social-media consumer but not an active participant (classic introvert) I was at lost about what to do with those light-bulb ideas and short-burst projects that piled up in my google drive and accumulated virtual dust.
"Put it on a blog!"
Yes. That's it.
As a 90s kid I've been pavlovian conditioned to think about blogs as a teenageri-thing. I'm working on that.
This is my plan for this blog:
Professional, but non-formal.
Unedited, spontaneous thoughts about what I read and hear at seminars/talks.
Very drafty drafts of fresh project ideas.
Unashamed self-promotion.
Hope this turns out well!
Excited. Good luck!♥️